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  • Writer's pictureKaryn Snyder

Why Taking Action Creates Success

Sometimes we aren't sure if we are making the right decisions. This can lead us to doing nothing at all...

Perfectionism stops you from moving ahead with your goals.
Perfectionism gets in the way of strategic thinking

As new business owners, we especially care about the businesses we are creating. Sometimes this is a life-long dream that is finally coming to fruition. Because we have been nesting with the idea for so long, we don't want to make mistakes. #lifelongdream

Make Those Mistakes!

“Being a successful business owner, is understanding that mistakes should be viewed as opportunities to grow.”

When something is new and a lifelong dream, we want everything to be perfect. But the fact of life is that there is no such thing as perfect. Some of this may be from fear of failure, a bit of all-or-nothing thinking (#perfectionism). Any which way, it can lead to paralysis.

Being a successful business owner, is understanding that mistakes should be viewed as opportunities to grow. Mistakes are part of the learning process, they make us into better leaders, especially when we learn from them.

What if My Mistakes are Too Costly?

Sometimes the consequences of failure can be significant. But no forward motion also can create significant consequences. Inaction is not going to move you forward, only rolling up those sleeves (and working hard to deliver the best results possible) will.

The need to make the perfect decision, can actually lead to procrastination. This is never going to help a new business just staring out.

Knowing when mistakes are not going to be that consequential is also key. If you are trying to make the "perfect" decision over every tiny thing in your business, you are actually being wasteful of your time. Tweaking it until you feel it is perfect will take time away from more time for strategic thinking, which is vital to moving forward in success. If you make every single decision a drawn out process, you won't be in business very long.

“If you are trying to make the "perfect" decision over everything in your business, you are actually being wasteful of your time.”

Being too focused on perfection, can affect everything from you general health, self-esteem, meeting deadlines (procrastination from fear), to actually affecting your creativity. It stops you from taking risks, which are essential to being an entrepreneur. You lose your ability to innovate.

When you find yourself in this mindset, try to challenge your behavior. Recognize when you are doing it, ask yourself why it has to be perfect, then come up with some solutions to overcome it. Chances are, it wasn't as significant as you thought it would be and the negative consequences you though would be there, really aren't. Now you will be able to spend time on strategic thinking instead of worrying about making the right decision.

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